The Dog Nose

January 17, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

She turned and dove into the chasm as she said, "Goodbye, 2023." Events of the year flashed before her eyes as her velocity increased. Arms, widespread, transformed into wings that caught the draft, lifting her up and over the canyon rim into the brilliant blue sky of 2024. 

I'm awash with feelings of relief that 2023 is in my rearview mirror, like Lubbock, Texas. I've been known to send out the almost obligatory, upbeat Year-in-Review email. But not this year. "That's a No," is how I gently say to Traveler that he should stop what he's doing or what he wants is simply not going to happen. 

I've asked him to nudge me with his cold, wet nose to remind me, "That's a No," when he sees me ruminating about 2023, chewing the cud that was a tough year to digest. A gentle reminder that I am living in the here and now is needed. I am not looking forward to an unknown future and I am certainly not looking backward into the past. 

Right this minute, I am striving to be more like my smart, happy dog. I'm present, my fingers are touching the keyboard, I'm typing what I hope are inspirational words that will lead to enlightenment for myself and for you. Because, to leave the past in the past and live in the present is Enlightenment. 

So, shine on my brothers and sisters, let's be more like dogs and less like ruminants. The dog knows.

Happy 2024, Right Now.




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Come On OverCome On OverHatch, Utah
This fella was really curious about me and my camera. In fact, he invited me to come on over to his house to visit a while. The barbed wire stood in my way, so we exchanged pleasantries over the fence, like old neighbors.

Mamiya 645 120mm
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