New Creative Photography Field Trip
Our aim is to make meaningful photographs. It's an achievable goal, if you don't over-think it. The challenge is to let your intuitive photographer take over, lead the way toward creative work that will result in meaningful images.
That's not to say we're going to shut off our brains and just point and shoot. On the contrary, we need to know how to achieve the vision our intuitive photographer sees. I'll be there guiding the process, helping you to stretch what you thought were your creative limits. I'll also help with the technical aspect of making the photograph you want to make.
We'll go to three different locations. You'll have 30 minutes at each location. I'll give you specific parameters to work within so that we're all using the same guidelines to start the flow of creativity. Like learning to ride a bicycle, it seems so difficult at first to relax and go with the flow, but with a little push, you're off and rolling.
The most telling part of this field trip will come when we meet back at the gallery two weeks later. Each photographer will bring three, favorite 8x10 prints of each of the locations we visited, a total of nine prints per photographer. Nine photographs that you will be proud to show to me and to fellow field trippers. Nine meaningful photographs.
We're going to discover how differently we interpret the same subjects. This will be both fun and enlightening. You'll leave with a fresh enthusiasm and confidence for building your own style as a photographer.
The field trip is a two part class, limited to four participants. Total fee for both sessions is $200/student.